On 20th April 2023, the Young Carers Development Trust was invited to bring 28 of its young carers to a fabulous afternoon tea followed by the opportunity to meet with Mrs Murty. These exceptional young people spent an hour talking with Mrs Murty, as she listened to their unique experiences in supporting and caring for their loved ones. Mrs Murty asked insightful questions and thanked the young carers for their extraordinary contributions to their families and their local communities.
Thank you Mrs Murty, the experience I had at 10 Downing Street was above and beyond. Thank you for inviting us and learning more about our stories. - Young carer, Hannah
Once we arrived at Downing Street we had a lovely afternoon tea followed by an hour with Mrs Murty who listened to our young carers experiences, asked insightful questions and answered questions from our young carers. It was an amazing day and we are so proud of young carers for the questions they asked Mrs Murty and for being able to share their lives as young carers.
I entered the room with some understanding of their work but I left moved, inspired, humbled and grateful for what these young people do for their families but also for their communities – Mrs Murty